Google Email as SMTP server for outgoing emails


I have a main domain of I aslo have a subdomain of

I have setup Google Email on the base domain of and this is working fine receiving emails and sending emails via Google.

I am doing some dev work on the staging environment to send emails on a linux ubuntu servers using PHP and would want to use the already setup Google service from the base domain to send outgoing emails. Is this possible? or would I need to setup the google mail on the staging environment too..

We have referenced the email client setup information from Google to setup the details in the staging environment. … swer=78799">

However we still are not able to connect to the server.



4 Replies

If I understand you correctly your staging site you want the linux server to send the emails and for the live site you want to send via google apps.

If so then for the staging site install postfix/exim (check out and PHP will send via that.

For the live site check out MSMTP (google it).

Hi Obs,

Thanks for your reply, I want to send emails from the staging site via linux, however instead of installing a mail client to my staging site I want to use the Google Email currently setup on the live environment.

Iam hoping that I don't need to install a mail client in staging to then change the settings once we deploy to code live where we hope to still send emails via our PHP code.


You'll probably still have to set up a send-only MTA on your Linode. Exim is nice and easy -

How do you send via google on the live site? Can't you just use the same configuration on the test site?


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