Am I the only one using CentOS 6 here?

As title…

I was really glad when Linode's guys released the CentOS 6, I switched my entire services on CentOS 6 and it works like a charm.

Two day of work but it was great.

No one else here with CentOS 6?

9 Replies


Yes you are. :P


is there some statistics of the linode users regarding the distro usage?



Yes you are. :P


is there some statistics of the linode users regarding the distro usage?

There is the "Interesting statistics" at, but I don't think anything more fine-grained than that.




Yes you are. :P


is there some statistics of the linode users regarding the distro usage?

There is the "Interesting statistics" at, but I don't think anything more fine-grained than that.

So I'm not lonely 8)

I'm asking this because when you are lonely and you have a problem you are lonely also with the prolem.

From what I seen there was no hurry to upgrade to CentOS 6 and I tought that no one is using it anymore.

Its really really strange that Fedora is really disliked here…

Thanks for the link :)


Its really really strange that Fedora is really disliked here…

I like fedora but it's release cycle is too short for serious server development and it's packages are too "bleeding edge". I have used it as a home desktop.

As for help, there's always someone lurking with centos, I manage a centos box, but it's 5.6 not 6.0 yet.



Its really really strange that Fedora is really disliked here…

I like fedora but it's release cycle is too short for serious server development and it's packages are too "bleeding edge". I have used it as a home desktop.

As for help, there's always someone lurking with centos, I manage a centos box, but it's 5.6 not 6.0 yet.

I must admit that I never managed anything with Ubuntu, I started with Red Hat before fedora and I never had too much time to try debian like distro.

I'm not a linux addict, I like it for my java mobile services, nothing more.

Saied that, I don't want to create a flame on what distro is better because I don't know other distros, but I have a question after your answer.

Am I wrong or Ubuntu has the same "bleeding edge packages" of Fedora?


Am I wrong or Ubuntu has the same "bleeding edge packages" of Fedora?

No, Ubuntu doesn't upgrade between major revisions of packages inside of a given release. If you're on a long-term-support release (like 8.04 or 10.04), you can keep using the same major revision of software for five years.

And unlike CentOS, Ubuntu has a fixed release schedule. A new version is released every April and October, with a new LTS release every other April.

ok, thanks for the answer.

Hm, I installed CentOS 6 before linode created their deployment. Does Linode remove udevd?


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