Switch IP from a Linode to another Linode on the same datace

As title.

How much time is needed to swtich the IP from a Linode to another Linode in the same datacenter?

seconds, minutes, hours, how much?

Will I have downtime during this process, I can have a maximum downtime of 60 seconds, than problems starts and I want to avoid problems if possible?

4 Replies

It takes however long your linodes take to shutdown and boot up.

this is true but how much time is needed to switch the IP from the two node?

seconds, minutes or hours?


this is true but how much time is needed to switch the IP from the two node?

I would say less than 2 minutes for your linodes to reboot after making the necessary changes in the Linode Manager. Though I haven't timed it myself. I'm sure your millage will very.



this is true but how much time is needed to switch the IP from the two node?

seconds, minutes or hours?

It's instant..hence the time required is how long it takes you to shutdown and boot up.


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