N00b question about installing virtualmin - partition?

Excuse any ignorance, I am new to the world of Linux and Apache. But I'm a fast learner, and I've been able to migrate my drupal installation to my linode from the command prompt, which I am quite proud of. I am quite fond of it here.

Anyway, I was considering hosting out some of my excess resources to friends, family, and acquaintances for cheap (although nothing like my bloated drupal 7 installation). I decided after excessive googling, to go the webmin/virtualmin route, which i was able to install just fine.

But I ran into an unexpected problem – once Virtualmin was in place and running the show, all of my virtual hosts vanished under virtualmin. I could have added it back, but it seemed only by creating a new user with new permissions, which I didn't have patience for, because my domain was down. So I freaked out and restored a back up before the chance of investigating virtualmin any further.

I don't want my site ruled by virtualmin, only those of people I host. Can I create a new disk image or partition or something separate that I can install virtualmin in? If so, how do I go about that? Do I need to install a separate instance of devian and apache2 on that partition/disk image? Are partitions and disk images different things?

As you can see, I need help! :)

6 Replies

Virtualmin and all control panels tend to take over your whole server. You'll have to get a second Linode if you want separation.

If you managed to handle setting up via the command line why do you want virtualmin?

thanks for your reply! gotcha, ok, that makes sense.

i'm just a sucker for guis i guess, i'm just looking for an easier method of running multiple websites and controlling user accounts.

Unless you expect to modify sites settings on a regular basis you're better off just using the command line, normally you can set up and forget.

pretty much all i'm looking to do is to give users ftp logins, restrict users access to their assigned virtual host, and maybe give users a disk space quota.

http://library.linode.com/security/sftp … re-openssh">http://library.linode.com/security/sftp-jails#sph_configure-openssh and http://library.linode.com/using-linux/users-and-groups should help me with the first two needs pretty well, but how do i set up a directory quota on their virtual hosts?


Have a read of this http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/47

great! thanks for all of your help!


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