Best additional repos for CentOS 6

As title…

I always used rpmforge as external repo to get additional rpm for CentOS but know rpmforge seems to lack a lot of important packages with CentOS 6.

EPEL has more packages, what do you suggest to use?

Is there a better repos for CentOS 6?

3 Replies


EPEL has more packages, what do you suggest to use?

Is there a better repos for CentOS 6?
I haven't take a look at CentOS 6 yet, but I've used Dag Wieërs package from time to time:




EPEL has more packages, what do you suggest to use?

Is there a better repos for CentOS 6?
I haven't take a look at CentOS 6 yet, but I've used Dag Wieërs package from time to time:


thanks for the reply, dag seems to not have CentOS 6 packages.


dag seems to not have CentOS 6 packages.
Not all the package may be built for CentOS 6, but some random packages I checked do have builds available for el6. For example:



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