LISH: initcld: event failed on reboot


when I reboot my VPS I can see this error from lish console:
> initcld: event failed

Is this something that I need to warry?

On boot there is also this error:
> /proc/1245/oomadj is deprecated, please use /proc/1245/oomscore_adj instead.

The system is a fresh new CentOS 6 installed from my linode's manager.

5 Replies

what is oomscoreadj ? I can't find anything on the net…


what is oomscoreadj ? I can't find anything on the net…

It determines which processes will be killed by the OOM killer, the higher the score the more likely a process will be killed.

That's for per process OOM killer priority adjustment. The message is harmless. As for the other message I have no idea. The only result for that on google is this thread.

You probably meant initctl.


You probably meant initctl.

yes I'm sorry I meant initctl


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