Backup service failed for many days,why you don't warned us?

As title.

On my linode manager I can see that my backup service failed for more than 8 days, I don't know how many days it failed since I can't see it but it failed surely for more than 8 days.

Can you tell us why if a daily backup fail for such a long period of time you don't even warn us about the problem please?

11 Replies

Or any of the numerous threads on the forums saying the same thing.

Posted in General discussion?

Backups have been working for me in Fremont since June 27th…

Try opening a ticket if you're having issues.

The problem is that I'm possibly ignorant with geography (and many other things) but my linode is located in newark.

Is newark and fremont the same location?

I think no and I had this problem in newark too,

I'm subscribed to their feeds and reading about fremont I tought that my linode was not affected.

Don't like this until I will understand why they don't warned us about this problem in newark.

Well it clearly isn't a systematic problem, have you actually tried contacting support? The issue is likely specific to your node.

Scary. Does this mean I should be checking the status page every morning to ensure a backup has succeeded.


Scary. Does this mean I should be checking the status page every morning to ensure a backup has succeeded.

My backup failed in recent days for more than 8 days, I don't know how much days and it failed in a different period than Fremont.

This is the reply from the support:
> Hi,

Thanks for your patience! Our backups team has confirmed that there was a bug within the Backup Service that was recently corrected and allowed your backups to complete successfully.

You shouldn't see any further failed backups. Please feel free to contact us for any additional assistance in the future.


So a backup problem lasted for many days (more than 8 days) and we haven't got any warning on this.

Not really satisfied for this as much as the other wonderful service that linode give us.

This is bad and I hope that I will not see anything like this in future.

I bought backup service, thinking that is a reliable service, reliable service doesn't mean that it can't fail, but at least that we are warned when the service fail letting us to workaround the problem in other way.


The problem is that I'm possibly ignorant with geography (and many other things) but my linode is located in newark.

Is newark and fremont the same location?

As a quick geography note (Google Maps is your friend!), Newark is 4700km away from Fremont by car, or 4100km away as the crow flies.

To give this some perspective, it's about the same distance from Italy to Afghanistan.

Thanks Guspaz but I was ironic :)


As a quick geography note (Google Maps is your friend!), Newark is 4700km away from Fremont by car, or 4100km away as the crow flies.

Unless of course you're talking about Newark, CA. It's right next to Fremont! But we're not talking about that Newark, so that's irrelevant. :D


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