Credit Card payments

Anyone know cheap ways of accepting credit card payments online? I'm willing to secure my sight myself with SSL, and I don't need any fancy shopping carrts, so it seems I should be able to do better than PayPal's 30 cents + 2.9%.

It seems I can get a little cheaper (amortized) if I pay an expensive monthly subscription, but I don't have that kind of cash now.

Chris, may I ask what you use?

Thanks all.

4 Replies

If you are not willing to pay the set-up and monthly fees etc, than you are about stuck with paypal. may be of use, I can not remember if they have a monthly charge or not.

Adam says:

$49 Setup Fee

$0.45 per Transaction

5.5% of Transaction Amount

So it's more expensive than PayPal.

Visit and you'll find references and experiences

from a wide variety of web hosts (adult sites, gamers, etc.) and rants

about CC processing. As many as you care to read.

I remember a post by Erica something of, who hosts adult

sites among others, that you should expect a minimum of 2.3% and $.30 per transaction. Of course, I think she's talking about sites with

hundreds (thousands) of transactions per day.

It all depends on what you want to do and spend.

The processors fall in to a number of groups

The first PayPal

No set-up fees, mothly fees, fairly high transaction charges.

It also looks unprofessional.

The next are the PSPs where you dont need a merchant account.

Set-up fees, some have monthly fees some done, usual a high transaction cost.

The next are the PSPs that require you to have a seperate merchant account.

Set-up fees, monthly cost, some time a small transaction cost, sometimes not. You also have the % charge by the merchant account issuer.

The transaction % usual vary depending on a couple of factors.

  • The amount of transactions per day/month

  • The average amount per transaction

  • The risk of the business.



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