Varnish - how to implement

Hi all

I have one loadbalancer, two frontends and two backends with db. Where do i put varnish? On each frontend or another node in front of the frontends or maybe something different? I know Varnish has the capability to be both loadbalancer and cacher - could it be possible to combine this into a single Varnish installation on a box


4 Replies

Disclaimer that I've never used Varnish, but my understanding of it is that you typically dedicate an entire box to it and run nothing else on that box. This would likely be your load balancer box. It would then point traffic to your frontend machines.

Another option to consider is Linode's own NodeBalancer. It doesn't do caching, though.

I tried various versions of varnish and had to keep restarting it every day or so, I think there's various memory leak issues with it.

Tread carefully !

In the end I used Squid.

Varnish uses virtual memory in place of disk caching, so its normal modus operendi is to completely fill all available RAM and swap. Obviously, you typically dedicate an entire machine to Varnish and run nothing else on it.


I tried various versions of varnish and had to keep restarting it every day or so, I think there's various memory leak issues with it.

How long ago was this? I'm currently toying around with varnish.


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