How to resize a linode instance?

I go to "Resize" page and choose the plan I want to move to, but it shows "Pending free upgrades must be performed before you are able to resize. Please visit the dashboard to upgrade."

Then I go "Dashboard" page but there is no "free upgrades" button or something else in the page.

What I should do next?

3 Replies

I see there is a "Upgrade Coming Soon: Upgrades are not available at this time. Check back soon!".

So it means I cannot resize right now?


This would be correct, it means you would be unable to take the upgrade. Are you by any chance in the Tokyo datacenter? If so, this would explain it - the Japanese datacenter will not be receiving upgrades as it's sold out, but you are free to migrate to any other location and receive the upgraded plans. Also, we are working on the second Tokyo location, so once that's up, you can have your cake and eat it too :).

If I'm off the mark, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to help.



Linode Customer Advocate.

Hi Soh,

I just get the help from your support team, and they seem to have a solution to deal with this issue.

Thank you for the detail reply.

Best Regards,

Kait Wang


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