doesn't return to shell prompt after starting mysqld

I type "mysqld" at the shell prompt and hit return, then get the message "mysqld: ready for connections". But then I don't get returned to a shell prompt. I can type stuff on the screen, but it doesn't do anything. I try Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z, but they don't give me back the prompt either.

I have to close the ssh session and start another one to get a shell prompt. Then I do "ps aux" and it shows that mysqld did start.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Ps. When I use safe_mysqld to start the server, the same thing happens initially (doesn't return to a prompt), but then I type Ctrl-Z and it does give me back the prompt.

3 Replies


Place an & as then end

i.e. mysqld &

is will get you the command prompt back and run mysql as a background process.


You might want to type

safe_mysqld –user=mysql &

This should work for you..i Just dump this into my rc.local in my /etc/rc.d/ directory… Im using Slackware btw, since I believe other distros may use a diff filesystem standard

or if you are using debain use

update-rc.d mysql default

and it will sort it all out for you.

mysql is one of those things that really should start with the system.



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