Installing NetBSD - Looking for opinion

Hello Linoders,

I've looked at a wonderful user wiki here to install a NetBSD on a Linode:

I am tempted to use the premade image option as I've not enough patience to create my own with the appropriate setup at home.

One of my main questions is: Even if Linode drops support for that pv-grub kernel (although the wiki referenced it as z - testing and now it has its own name, so I may be safe) will my NetBSD installation continue to run?

I am sure it will, as it runs in DomU as I assume the other distros have, although I am unsure. If anybody has any information, such as somebody else's attempt at running a NetBSD distribution or if it is better supported than what that wiki has stated in 2010, I would appreciate the new information.

I am unsure if there are other images like that premade one on the internet that would work with Linode through Finnix, I have read about some methods of DomU NetBSD on their site although I believe they've listed some steps I could not run.

Thank you,


PS: Just mainly a dev node, I am really wanting to try something new and can afford the time and maybe less support, wanted to ask the community for advise.

6 Replies

Without PV-GRUB, you would be unable to run a kernel other than those provided by Linode. So, if Linode dropped PV-GRUB, NetBSD would not work any more.

That's unlikely, however, since it is widely used… I don't know how many folks use it, but I suspect the number would be higher than I expect. -rt

The wiki being a wiki isn't kept up to date by linode. pv_grub isn't in testing anymore and hasn't been for a loooooong time.

Half of my linodes use pv_grub.

pv_grub is tested and maintained by Linode.


Thank you everybody, I have decided a lack of SMP support in the current available setups for NetBSD is a deal breaker for that venture at least, so I am going with another tried and true Linux.

Hardening Debian to what I was wanting to do with NetBSD will suffice for my interest, as long as I have a working system to replace my borked one.

Darkie. :)


(NetBSD developer here)

I've used NetBSD on Linode as a personal machine for months, no problems at all (the smallest option, 512).

If you're comfortable using NetBSD then use it. You'll have very few problems. I haven't noticed a single issue so far.

If they dropped support for pv-grub I'd be leaving too. Keep it caker :)


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