Linode Gentoo and OpenRC

Has any tried upgrading there Linode Gentoo to OpenRC yet? Did you have any difficulties such as dealing with config files that were modified to run with Xen / Linode?

I tried the upgrade on one of my two boxes at home. I had some difficulty because I had never run dispatch-conf before. Just as a warning you don't want to learn dispatch-conf during a critical upgrade, learn it when you are using a package that can be removed completely and not a package that will make the system unbootable if removed. Long story short, I learned how to use dispatch-conf the hard way. NOW I hove setup dispatch-conf to use RCS backups on my two home boxes and my Linode.

1 Reply

I updated it as soon as it went stable on amd64 and don't recall any significant issues on linode vs. hardware installs.


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