Adding a subdomain ONLY


I have been successfully adding many domains to my Linode (Ubuntu 10.04) server, and can handle subdomains easy enough with my configuration.

I currently need to add a single subdomain for a domain that the full site is hosted elsewhere. The DNS has been configured so the subdomain (only) directs to Linode, while the rest of the site is maintained on another server.

How should I set this up on my server? I have added the domain (including the subdomain) to the dashboard, eg., should I have done this, or adding the subdomain within a record that covers the entire domain?

Also, with the DNS configuration, should I have given the Linode nameserver IP addresses, or my personal IP address for my own Linode server?

Any help is much appreciated,


4 Replies

If the DNS for that domain already has a record for the sub-domain pointing to your Linode's IP address, that's all that's needed. You don't need to make any changes to DNS at Linode. Just make a vhost entry in Apache or what ever web server you're using, reload the web server and you're done.

Thank you waldo, I will try that now.

So I do not have to add any entry to my DNS Manager? Can I ask why that is, technically? I assumed any domain/subdomain pointed to my server would require this…

And the IP address should be my Linode IP, not the Linode's NS1/NS2 nameserver IP addresses, correct? Currently it is set to the NS1 IP and not working.


… So I do not have to add any entry to my DNS Manager? Can I ask why that is, technically? I assumed any domain/subdomain pointed to my server would require this…
The DNS lookup is done at the 'other' DNS server where you have all the entries for your domain. Linode's DNS is nothing to do with this process.


And the IP address should be my Linode IP, not the Linode's NS1/NS2 nameserver IP addresses, correct? Currently it is set to the NS1 IP and not working.
Yes, the DNS entry on the 'other' DNS server should point to your Linode IP.

Thank you to everybody who responded. I have successfully directed the subdomain to my server and now know more details about how DNS works!

Thanks again


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