Switiching from another host

Currently i pay $50 for cpanel, 768mb ram and 1.13ghz cpu speed.

I see that linode only gives the info about ram, nothing else. So what is the speed?

Also if i upgrade my linode, is it instant? Do i require changing any numbers or anything?

When i move, can linode transfer all my data from my host? It'd be great help. If not, if i can be told on how to do it (copy and paste), would be great.

How many IPs do i get?

Last but no least, do i get full access to my server?

10 Replies

You get an equal share of the hosts cpus with the ability to "burst" using any cpu that other linodes aren't using, that's why they don't display the cpu usage. cpu usage is rarely a problem on a linode.

Linode size upgrades normally take a few minutes, you're migrated to a different host when you upgrade, the time depends on how many files/how much disk space you use.

Linode is an unmanaged service so they won't migrate your server for you. The linode library http://library.linode.com does have guides on how to do this.

You get 1 ipv4 address, you can ask for more at $2 per ip, you have to provide justification (i.e. you need 2 or more ssl certificates).

You get full root access to your server, you can do whatever you like to it as long as you abide by the terms of service http://www.linode.com/tos.cfm


When i move, can linode transfer all my data from my host? It'd be great help. If not, if i can be told on how to do it (copy and paste), would be great.

This question tells me that you're not really reading what linode is. This is an unmanaged, bare VPS. There is no cPanel (though you can install it), there is no automatic transfer of data, there is no copy and paste.

i guess linode is not for me then - i need managed one.

I tried to install web host on a windows 2008 r2 myself and it was hard. linode is linux and i dont use linux at all..

ok i manage everything etc, but what about security? linode provides that? any support?

Is it sort of like just renting the machine and power, not the service itself?

I, don't know how to install. if i do manage to, what if someone hacks in my stuff…

My current server is on linux so hopefully its easy to migrate

Best advice I can give is to try it out and see. Don't plan to move stuff over immediately, or ever – only do so once you're comfortable and have broken things a few times. Systems administration isn't rocket science, but it takes practice, time, and experience, like any other skill.

It's somewhat like becoming an airplane pilot: you've got a lot more responsibility, but a lot more freedom. And even when you aren't the one flying the plane, you have a better understanding of what's going on "behind the curtain".

Your mission – should you choose to accept it -- is to fire up http://library.linode.com/ and start with the Getting Started guide. Work your way down to "LAMP Guides", at which point you will be the admin in charge of a web server and should have a better idea of what you want to do from there :-)

Ok i thought i should give it a go..

Anyway now im trying to use putty and get access, but i can't. Keeps saying the thing got denied

used user as root and reset password multiple times..

How long do i have before i cancel and get full money back? I was charged prorated amount. the rest of this month plus next month.

For a full refund it's 7 days. When you cancel your account you can get whatever credit you have left refunded I believe.

can someone help me login?

Sure - but no one here likes to guess or play twenty questions.

How about filling us in to what you've done so far, what you're trying to do, and what happens when you try it.

It's all about the details - so maybe you could provide some.


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