XServer Help on Arch Linux?
Basically, what I did was
pacman -Syu xorg-server
pacman -S xorg-xinit
pacman -S xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm
pacman -S xorg-utils xorg-server-utils
When I ran startx, I got an error:
Fatal server error:
no screens found
About fifteen seconds later, I got another error:
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error
Xserver auto terminated at this point.
I'm fairly new to linux, but I understand a good amount of it. If anyone could clear up what causes these errors / how to fix them that would be greatly appreciated.
9 Replies
Linode instances do not have any video hardware in their virtual machine environment. It does not make sense to run an X server on a Linode. Why do you want to do this?
I'm planning on VNCing into it.
Sooo… instead of startx, just run vnc4server or something… it shouldf act as X11 display :1 or something siliar, and you should be able to connect to it…
I get further errors when running a vnc program.
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = "en_US.utf8"
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
New 'X' desktop is li224-139:1
Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /root/.vnc/li224-139:1.log
li224-139:1.log states:
Couldn't open RGB_DB '/usr/share/X11/rgb'
02/07/11 15:17:03 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.10
02/07/11 15:17:03 Copyright (C) 2000-2009 TightVNC Group
02/07/11 15:17:03 Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
02/07/11 15:17:03 All Rights Reserved.
02/07/11 15:17:03 See http://www.tightvnc.com/ for information on TightVNC
02/07/11 15:17:03 Desktop name 'X' (li224-139:1)
02/07/11 15:17:03 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7t, 3.8t
02/07/11 15:17:03 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
02/07/11 15:17:03 Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5801
02/07/11 15:17:03 URL http://li224-139:5801
Font directory '/usr/share/fonts/Type1/' not found - ignoring
xrdb: No such file or directory
xrdb: can't open file '/root/.Xresources'
xsetroot: unknown color "grey"
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
twm: invalid color name "black"
twm: invalid color name "white"
twm: invalid color name "slategrey"
twm: invalid color name "gray85"
twm: invalid color name "gray85"
twm: invalid color name "gray85"
twm: invalid color name "slategrey"
twm: invalid color name "gray70"
twm: invalid color name "gray85"
twm: invalid color name "gray85"
twm: invalid color name "gray85"
For the locale error, I have no idea how to build them in archlinux - I'd run 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' here.
rtucker@witte:~$ ssh -X framboise
rtucker@framboise:~$ xterm
(xterm appears!)
It requires the ssh session stay up, and it is noticeably slow, but it sure beats deploying an entire GUI stack just to do one thing.