IPv6 Range

Linode was nice enough to give me an IPv6 pool with 4096 addresses this morning. Being a tad unfamiliar with IPv6, I did some research and think that I've gotten the concept down. However, I'd appreciate if someone would explain wether or not I am doing this correctly;

My range is 2600:3c01::1b:b000/64 - 2600:3c01::1b:bfff/64

b000 = hex of 45056, bfff = hex of 49151

So examples of usable IPv6 addresses would be

2600:3c01::1b:b000/64, where b000 is a hex of 45056

2600:3c01::1b:b001/64, where b001 is a hex of 45057

2600:3c01::1b:b9ec/64, where b9ec is a hex of 47596

2600:3c01::1b:bc48/64, where bc48 is a hex of 48200

Is this correct? Thanks!

2 Replies


Linode was nice enough to give me an IPv6 pool with 4096 addresses this morning. Being a tad unfamiliar with IPv6, I did some research and think that I've gotten the concept down. However, I'd appreciate if someone would explain wether or not I am doing this correctly;

My range is 2600:3c01::1b:b000/64 - 2600:3c01::1b:bfff/64

b000 = hex of 45056, bfff = hex of 49151

So examples of usable IPv6 addresses would be

2600:3c01::1b:b000/64, where b000 is a hex of 45056

2600:3c01::1b:b001/64, where b001 is a hex of 45057

2600:3c01::1b:b9ec/64, where b9ec is a hex of 47596

2600:3c01::1b:bc48/64, where bc48 is a hex of 48200

Is this correct? Thanks!

What the decimal representations are does not really matter much (you won't see that used anywhere)…

Anyway, 2600:3c01::1b:b000 is the first address in your pool, 2600:3c01::1b:b001 the second and so on all the way up to 2600:3c01::1b:bffe, 2600:3c01::1b:bfff

All combinations of the last three hexadecimal digits in the address are at your disposal, which makes for 16^3 = 4096 addresses.

Thanks so much for your help!


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