network external storage


When you use the rebuild function, downloaded packages or personal files will be deleted as you know. I noticed emdedded backup service here, but i need storing files instead of image backups.

So i think about Rackspace's Cloud Files or Amazon's S3. What do you think or recommend? I need to use the solution with Linode like mounting in nfs.



3 Replies

Neither S3 nor CloudFiles are, to my knowledge, suitable for use as a POSIX filesystem through NFS. You can, but at least with S3 it makes no guarantees about consistency as things propagate, so it's risky (and slow).

Don't know if there is code to mount it with NFS, but if you're in Dallas you might look at SoftLayer / CloudLayer. Seems like a similar offering to Amazon and Rackspace, but in the same facility and thus much lower latency.

No affiliation, I had just done some research on it a few weeks ago.

If i do not worry about NFS? What are the options?




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