Future Linode, few questions, euro conversion

Hi. I would like to try Linode and I have a couple of questions:

1) The prices in the site are in american dollars. What's the conversion dollar to euro?

2) I want to try Linode for at least one month, just to see if it's worth. Is there any extra fee for account cancelation?

5 Replies

1) See http://www.xe.com/ucc/ 1USD ~ 0.70 EUR, note your credit card company will deal with the conversion rate so it'll be slightly different.

2) No cancellation fee.

Thank you for the information.

Just one more question: what's the internet bandwidth of Linode servers?

No cap on speed in (I think) 50mb/s out which can be raised if you request it with support. No limit on the private network


No cap on speed in (I think) 50mb/s out which can be raised if you request it with support. No limit on the private network

The cap is on the interface, and the private network is just an alias on the main interface, so the cap does indeed apply to the private network.


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