SFTP Jails Management?

I hope this is the right forum for this question btw. I wasn't sure because it is related to the web server site locations… Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place.

I am curious as to what sftp jail management methods everyone is using?

In other words my first thought right now is to create a shell script that jails my users for me. Does all the work.

The trouble is I have grew fond of the srv directory lately. I have all my sites in /srv/www/www.example.com. This makes backup a breeze. My first thought has been to jail users right in those directories… Here is the problem though.

Some users might have more than one site. So my solution was to create symlinks to www.example.com www.example2.com in their home folders. However I am not sure how to handle the jail if I do this. Wouldn't this break out of the jail? Inside each site folder I like to keep logs and public_html if it matters.

Also does anyone have any experience with RSSH? So my allowusers only allows me to access ssh on the server. Root obviously disabled. The trouble is some users I don't want to totally block. I would like to allow them to sftp in.


Debian 6 squeeze fyi

3 Replies

I just follow this http://library.linode.com/security/sftp-jails

For this sort of thing yeah I've used rssh. Then they can only connect sftp and not ssh. Can't get an ssh shell, which could lead to security issues.

Ended up shell scripting the process to ensure ssh is disabled etc. This seems to be working great. Thanks for the feedback.


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