Fremont Virtuals Slow to reboot 6/22
We decided to reboot the machine and its been 25 minutes , and we are still not back online / rebooted.
Anyone else seeing their nodes down in Fremont?
*I wrote here because I think Support is busy, they usually are very very fast, but I'm not getting a response from the ticket system.
6 Replies
We actually moved our DNS for our SMTP server back to our original server @ our other data center.
Have you considered investing in a high availability setup if the service that server is delivering is that critical?
Yes, but its a manual process and doubles the cost.
Floating IP
(2) Linodes
in event of failure we move the floating IP to the hot spare.
@tonymallin:Have you considered investing in a high availability setup if the service that server is delivering is that critical?
Yes, but its a manual process and doubles the cost.
Floating IP
(2) Linodes
in event of failure we move the floating IP to the hot spare.
this is easily done in the control panel