Using mod_vhost_alias and DocumentRoot


Im having a bit of trouble and am thinking that maybe im taking the wrong approach, or there is another method / hack of doing what I wish to do…

rather than filling up my httpd.conf file with a mass of virtual hosts this is what I plan to do.


 <virtualhost *:80="">LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" vhostv
    CustomLog logs/access_log.amserver vhostv
    ErrorLog logs/error_log.amserver
    VirtualDocumentRoot /var/server/hosts/config/hosts/%0/html
    VirtualScriptAlias /var/server/config/hosts/%0/cgi</virtualhost> 

Then in the directory /var/server/hosts/config/hosts/ I would have the following… -> /var/server/virtual/site1/jail/var/www -> /var/server/virtual/site1/jail/var/www

So I hope people can see what im doing here…

basically Im doing this so;

1. I dont have a big virtual hosts section

2. I dont have to restart apache everytime i want to add a host, i just add the symbolic link for the host name and where i want it to point to…

3. Im doing this as im writing software so that I can manage all this stuff thru a control panel, and this method would be easier and safer than giving someone thru a control panel access to (not directly of course…) edit httpd.conf and restart apache…


HOWEVER….. My problem is.. say I want to run php on this virtual host, for some strange reason the DocumentRoot doesnt get set by apache. Which as you can see is very annoying…

for example: say i create the file…



it returns…


which is apache's default doc root..

Has anyone experienced this, and if they did how did they get around it… Ive been trying to nut this one out for a couple of days, seems like other people have experienced this problem as well, and some people have hacks where they mod php then recompile… i dont really want to do this for several reasons (like if i ever want to upgrade… il have to do this again…)


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