Redirect driving me insane :)

RedirectMatch permanent ^/Unixart/perl_gates.html /cgi-bin/

RedirectMatch permanent ^/Unixart/bgrecovery.html /BGarlock/bgriprecovery.html

RedirectMatch permanent ^/Unixart/upgrade.html /Unixart/upgrades.html

All of these work fine except the one for /Unixart/bgrecovery.html

i keep looking and looking but I don't see my error..

9 Replies

In what way is it not working?


In what way is it not working?

It's not redirecting - at least not for me from here.. I flushed cache.. I even fired up Safari (I normally use Chrome) and did a complete Safari reset. It doesn't redirect.

Am I meant to think that it does when you tried it???

I get a 404 for that, with a suggestion that it is Closest match: ^/­Unixart/­bgriprecovery.­html which does redirect.


I get a 404 for that, with a suggestion that it is Closest match: ^/­Unixart/­bgriprecovery.­html which does redirect.

Exactly. But it should redirect without stopping there as the other ones do. It worked correctly on the site I came from (though I only had .htaccess there and am in the virtual host config here).

Obviously I have something munged, I just cannot see it!

Actually- I was suggesting that the redirect:

RedirectMatch permanent ^/Unixart/bgrecovery.html /BGarlock/bgriprecovery.html

Has a typo as there is no ^/Unixart/bgrecovery.html, rather it is ^/Unixart/bgriprecovery.html


Actually- I was suggesting that the redirect:

RedirectMatch permanent ^/Unixart/bgrecovery.html /BGarlock/bgriprecovery.html

Has a typo as there is no ^/Unixart/bgrecovery.html, rather it is ^/Unixart/bgriprecovery.html


A page doesn't have to exist for a redirect. None of the others exist either.

The point of the redirect is to correct the typo that somebody linking to it made.

Works for me as of the 19TH, so I assume you figured it out.


Works for me as of the 19TH, so I assume you figured it out.

Yes - I had screwed up the paths and it was actually reading the old .htaccess files. (which didn't have that particular redirect in them).

But I don't know how you got it , because I just fixed it AFTER reading your post..


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