whois displaying IP

How do we protect the IP address being displayed on a whois query?

I am able to protect the contact details provided to domain registrant but the IP of the linode server keeps getting displayed

4 Replies

If you're expecting to use the domain name for something other than a tax write-off, it will somehow need to be associated with at least one IP address. Such IP addresses are, necessarily, public information. If a computer can look it up, a human can look it up too.

Can you show an example of what you're seeing?

I don't see an ip address on a whois (just a trace route and ping and dig, etc.), but I suppose the only way to mask would be a proxy.

I actually use CloudFlare- http://www.cloudflare.com/ for a couple of my sites, and Cloudflare's ip addresses show up on queries for http://bryantrv.com .


I don't see an ip address on a whois (just a trace route and ping and dig, etc.), but I suppose the only way to mask would be a proxy.

I actually use CloudFlare- http://www.cloudflare.com/ for a couple of my sites, and Cloudflare's ip addresses show up on queries for http://bryantrv.com .

CloudFlare IPs would show in digs or nslookups, like mentioned. I do just need to advise that we do need to release the IP address to a party if a valid complaint is received (DMCA, for example). Other than that, our IPs would show for domains and subdomains we're proxying.


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