High Availability questions..

Hi all.

First of all, I want to congrats the developers and the community. Linode is really great. Fantastic service and support.

Right now, I'm in the process of implementing High Availability in a two node cluster.

I followed that guide but everytime I end up having some troubles of some sort. I read a couple of sections of the DRBD, pacemaker and heartbeat user guides. None the less, I have some questions I hope you guys can answer.

1- How CRM config is shared? CRM being pacemaker config (crm configure edit). I mean, when you edit the config in the first linode, is the config automatically shared to the second linode (slave)?

2- How DRBD mounting/unmounting works? I've noticed in the tutorial you have to unmount the DRBD ressource. I find it strange that after that when I ls -l that directory, nothing is present.

3- Following that tutorial, I had to use PV-GRUB as the kernel. Is it normal that every time the linodes boot with PV-GRUB I receive the following kernel errors http://p.linode.com/5426 through my logwatch?

Thank you very much in advance.

I want to learn and get better at this ;)

3 Replies

Did you even get it to work at all? I'm having major issues setting up HA (even following the docs in the Linode Library). This is on Ubuntu 10.04 and it seems that Pacemaker (or atleast pengine) keeps segfaulting and crashing. Apparently this is a known issue, and was solved in a later Pacemaker release. Now comes the fun part though, this later release is not available on Ubuntu 10.04 and recompiling is IMHO not the way to go (i.e. if you run Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for stability, it's probably better to stick with the packages supplied etc).

Anyone else seeing the constant crashing of Pacemaker?


Hi all.

First of all, I want to congrats the developers and the community. Linode is really great. Fantastic service and support.

Right now, I'm in the process of implementing High Availability in a two node cluster.

I followed that guide but everytime I end up having some troubles of some sort. I read a couple of sections of the DRBD, pacemaker and heartbeat user guides. None the less, I have some questions I hope you guys can answer.

1- How CRM config is shared? CRM being pacemaker config (crm configure edit). I mean, when you edit the config in the first linode, is the config automatically shared to the second linode (slave)?

2- How DRBD mounting/unmounting works? I've noticed in the tutorial you have to unmount the DRBD ressource. I find it strange that after that when I ls -l that directory, nothing is present.

3- Following that tutorial, I had to use PV-GRUB as the kernel. Is it normal that every time the linodes boot with PV-GRUB I receive the following kernel errors http://p.linode.com/5426 through my logwatch?

Thank you very much in advance.

I want to learn and get better at this ;)

I made it work but every time there's one ressource pacemaker can't launch.

Anyone had success with it?

I followed the instructions for a basic floating IP but I have it manage FreeSWITCH, which is voip software. I needed to modify the scripts to manage that, but the basic principal was the same.

So, yeah, the tutorial helped me set that up.


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