Issues keeping linode sockets open: nodeJS+socketIO and ssh

NodeJS is a new asynchronous server-side javascript engine that can act as a webserver. is a module for nodejs that serves as an abstraction library on the server, and also serves clients, providing a virtual socket between the server and the client (which might be an actual websocket in HTML 5, or something else depending on the browser).

Anyway there are reports of connection cycling when trying to deploy this set of software on Linode. See

I've notice this disconnect/reconnect cycling doesn't happen when the server and clients are deployed on an isolated home network – but I am seeing that cycling when hosted on Linode. So it is either network or Linode related.

I recall a similar issue with ssh sessions to Linodes hanging/disconnecting, see … _open.html">

Is there any reason to think these issues are related, and have a common solution? If so, what might that solution be?

6 Replies

A packet capture using tcpdump on both ends might reveal something. Also, if you have a NAT on your local end, trying to test without that might be helpful.

Oh I sincerely hope it's not a Linode issue! I'm just about to build a powered app!


i was debating whether to go linode or ec2. problematic websocket support is a no go :arrow:

I seriously, seriously doubt this has anything to do with Linode.



I recall a similar issue with ssh sessions to Linodes hanging/disconnecting, see … _open.html">

Is there any reason to think these issues are related, and have a common solution? If so, what might that solution be?

Unless I'm mistaken, that one was caused by the user having incorrectly configured their SSH software…

A quick "thank you" to everyone who replied.

I have come to the following quick conclusions:

1. may be a bit early in the technology cycle…. There are all sorts of problems deploying anything important on; others, e.g. on stackoverflow, have had various problems with corporate firewalls and other issues.

2. Problems I've seen can be duplicated at other sites I have access to… so the connection cycling is not a LINODE or a VPS issue.

3. JSON RPC polling is good enough for me… don't really need to support websocket for what I'm working on… nodejs is still useful in this environment, and I really like nodejs programming model that can simplify coding -- and not worrying about database locking and multiple moving parts, etc…


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