presales signup Qs

1) does the space required by the OS I install come out of my disk quota? 1GB disk quota doesn't seem so suitable when you need to install a 1.7GB OS.

2) what is the policy on calling internationally to verify singups? Is it done? how? is it a shudders collect call?

3) If i give shells on my box to other people, A) am I allowed to charge for them? B) It is possible to give them a limited cpanel for their account?

4) How difficult is it to associate a domain with my vserver so that I can serve multiple websites with different domains from the same vserver?

thanks, Ashen

3 Replies

Hello Ashen,


1) does the space required by the OS I install come out of my disk quota? 1GB disk quota doesn't seem so suitable when you need to install a 1.7GB OS.
That is correct. We're getting ready to double the disk space on all the Linode plans. This would be retro-active to all existing accounts.

2) what is the policy on calling internationally to verify singups? Is it done? how? is it a shudders collect call?
Yes, it is done. All signups are verified via phone. It is not a collect call. Time zones are considered when calling.

3) If i give shells on my box to other people, A) am I allowed to charge for them? B) It is possible to give them a limited cpanel for their account?
You are allowed to resell other services from your Linode. Also, we don't sell cpanel licenses here, but webmin allows you to create users with limited privileges.

4) How difficult is it to associate a domain with my vserver so that I can serve multiple websites with different domains from the same vserver?
Pretty easy. I recommend either running your own DNS servers, or even easier, using your registrar's managed DNS service (if they provide one) or They offer free managed DNS for up to 5 domains.

It's as easy as pointing your domains to use zoneedit's DNS servers, then adding an "A" record to point to the IP of your Linode.




We're getting ready to double the disk space on all the Linode plans. This would be retro-active to all existing accounts.

Great! yeah I noticed that the disk space was increased on the plan matrix. When do you think the existing customers will see the change?


Great! yeah I noticed that the disk space was increased on the plan matrix. When do you think the existing customers will see the change?
I'd expect it before this weekend sometime – there's a little bit of data crunching I need to perform to make the update happen correctly ;-) I'm about half done with the update script.



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