LEMP/fcgi/php-fpm issue

I'm new to nginx with fcgi for php. Just created a 512, used the StackScript for LEMP on Debian, and got some stuff working.

In the process of switching some sites, I saw I needed to install curl. Installed curl. Now, nginx is failing on all php files with a 502.

ps -lax and netstat -ntlp shows me that php-fpm is running, but nothing is listening on, which is what i think the problem is.

Anyone have any thoughts or experience? I'd love to get some help. I hate Apache, been using nginx for Rails for a while with great success. This issue with php has just been an problem for me for several days now, so I decided to finally try and ask for some help.

3 Replies

wow, of course i'd fix it immediately after asking.

what i did to fix it:

inside /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

i changed

listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock

to explicitly be:


works as expected now.

don't really know why that would've suddenly become an issue, though.

Well, thanks for sharing the fix…


Well, thanks for sharing the fix…
yeah, i try not to do that, because i hate it when other people do that


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