tasksel: debconf failed to run

Hi guys,

I've got a brand new Ubuntu 10.04 LTS VPS setup but have problems running tasksel:

sudo tasksel[enter]

tasksel: debconf failed to run

The strange thing is, literally a week or two ago I ran it without problems on a different new VPS.

Usually this error is caused due to security restrictions (not logged in as root or not using sudo) but in my case it definitely is not.

Any suggestions?

4 Replies

The idea is to install a LAMP stack using tasksel but there is clearly an issue with this particular distro.

I've managed to get past the issue using the following but it would be great to know the reason behind the debconf error.

$ sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

Not sure why that happens. I had the same problem. Just removed it and re-installed by the standard methods using apt-get. :)

I'm having the issue too, but this was the fastest fix for me:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tasksel

Instantly runs, works just fine….

EDIT: or did it…. more errors.

Is tasksel really all that useful? Some of the tasks seem to install just one single package, and others install only two or three. Ubuntu already has virtual packages that handle some of this stuff (like all the *desktop packages) too.


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