Gaps of inactivity

Ive never seen my website down before but a user told me he saw that it was down. I ended up reinstalling, (I use ubuntu, nginx, apc).

Currently I'm using ubuntu 10.14, nginx 0.7.65, apc 3.1.3p1, aka the default.

~~![](<URL url=) … 4at511.png">" />

You can see the gaps last between 20 and 22 and 12 and 14. These gaps are matched in the cpu and I/O charts.

To make sure, I setup pingdom to test my webserver every minute. I set that up yesterday and it's continued to say 100%. Can anyone explain this? Is it a problem with linode's charts or is my site actually unavailable but pingdom doesn't recognize it. Could it be a problem with nginx or apc? Thank you for reading.~~

4 Replies

It's problem just with charts.

I recommend you to update nginx, current stable version is 1.0.4. Your VPS can be hacked through vulnerabilities in old versions.


It's problem just with charts.

I recommend you to update nginx, current stable version is 1.0.4. Your VPS can be hacked through vulnerabilities in old versions.
Good to know. On my last reinstall, I first installed 1.0.4 but the server seemed to be having problems, I then found out when reverting back to the ubuntu version that it was just chrome's cache.

Using the version of nginx shipped by Ubuntu is safe. They backport security fixes and release updated packages as necessary.

If you do choose to use nginx 1.0.x install it from here


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