NodeBalancer UI updates invalidating manager cookies?

I figured I'd post this here in the beta area since I've had this error now twice immediately after a NodeBalancer update, and getting the error is pretty unusual, so it's seems more than a coincidence that it's happened just now. Though it might be more an issue with Linode Manager changes in general, not sure.

Anyway, any attempt to refresh a manager page yields a "Whoops! Something went wrong" page, even if I just try to re-open a brand new manager page.

In both these recent two cases, clearing the CFTOKEN cookie for seems to resolve the issue. I assume restarting the browser would work too since it's a session cookie, but I've had too much else open to try that. So it seems like something about an existing cookie isn't being handled by the manager code after a change.

– David

4 Replies

I think I found and fixed this one. I'll be watching!


yeah, I botched your post, sorry -caker

You needed a new session - should always fix you up…

The other bugs were caused by a missed commit. That's fixed now.



You needed a new session - should always fix you up…
Hmm, I think that even that crashed on me when I first had the problem (I definitely recall trying the Logout link on the page which seems to go to the same place), but will wait until/if it happens again to double check. At the time I had guessed that whatever cookie/session validation was going on happened early in the process for any URL, even if that URL was then going to invalidate the session.

> The other bugs were caused by a missed commit. That's fixed now.
Yep, working now.

– David


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