The best system structure to host more projects
redmine + svn/git for project managing and repositories
a groupware server ( egroupware / zimbra / something else )
many site hosting
So I have my main website with /var/svn and /var/git for repository and I'm a bit confused on how to structure it for websites.
I usually have only 1 localhost webserver and I have only 1 website on it. So before starting configuring my vps I want to ask you: which is the best way to organize my server?
I have 5 sites (example) to handle.
Have I to create 5 apache configuration ( site-enabled ) that point to 5 different home locations?
so on….
Is this the best way? How do you do?
Sorry for the stupid question but I want to make my server very clean on the structure
2 Replies
With that said, for my own systems, I've taken to using the /srv tree for most of my major hierarchies. You can use the top level as a service divider (e.g., /srv/svn, /srv/www) and the next level for per-machine/user/host, or invert the order, which is typically what I do (so /srv/xxxx/{svn,www,db,…} where xxxx is a company or common category for all the functions. Or combine the two approaches…
I also try to ensure uniqueness of the naming of the tree for any given purpose, so that when looking at multiple systems, I could theoretically combine all of their /srv trees safely if I wanted. Or taken another way, regardless of machine, a given /srv/xxx tree always has the same purpose.
I normally go ahead and make /srv (or for larger setups, each /srv/xxx) its own disk image for my Linode.
-- David
etc etc.
Then I have /home/git/user and /home/git/user1 to hold the git repos.
No real reason for it, probably because I started off with shared hosting on cpanel years ago which always sticks you in /home/user/public_html
Some of my clients have stuff in /srv and that works too.
Just pick something that you feel most comfortable with and stick to it.