How to create new subdomain?


Would like to ask a simple question. I want to create a subdomain like on my server.

I added A record for x subdomain from linode manager.

And here comes my questions

should i create a new vhost file in /etc/apache2/sites-available, as or just add the virtualhost conf into the's ?

Should i create a new folder like /var/www/ or is it enough if i create a folder under my's public_html and point it out there from vhost conf.

I created a new subdomain but its not loading, so cant really see the problem

1 Reply


should i create a new vhost file in /etc/apache2/sites-available, as or just add the virtualhost conf into the's ?

Should i create a new folder like /var/www/ or is it enough if i create a folder under my's public_html and point it out there from vhost conf.

either answer will work, it's a matter of semantics really. If you consider X to be a standalone site, I'd say put it in it's own file in the sites-available and it's own directory. If it's a subsite, putting it in the same conf file and directory makes sense.

what problem are you having? consider posting the real domain names, it'll help us help you.


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