Linode ads from Google

Are all Linode customers seeing as many Linode ads from Google as I'm seeing? No complaint, but it does seems like Linode must be paying for a lot of ads to be put in front of people like me who don't need them.

5 Replies

Google ads are paid for by the click, not the impression. So it's costing them nothing to display ads for you if you're not clicking on them.

They are also targeted based on what you browse and read on the internet…. I see lots of very targeted ads on slashdot that are completely non-tech related, yet scare accurate for some of the other types of sites I visit for other industries.

They are targeted by page content as well. Just saw a nice big Linode ad right next to some coupon deals for cheesy VPS competitors.

Haven't seen an ad in many, many years. Can't remember exactly when the original adblock was released. Are the ads still around?


Haven't seen an ad in many, many years. Can't remember exactly when the original adblock was released. Are the ads still around?



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