Any Linode recommended managed services providers?


We're looking to supplement our in-house system administration capabilities with some minor managed services (e.g. install memcached, download apache logs).

Does Linode have any recommended providers for this type of service?


9 Replies

I guess this thread will be useful:

Can anyone recommend a company to set up and manage my website on Linode? I need ongoing website and database management services at a reasonable price.

I don't have first hand experience, but I've heard from others that this place is pretty good:

adamyap did you ever find anyone to manage your linode? Checked out the vpsbuddy and their website didn't work properly so I couldn't imagine trusting them with mine.



Can anyone recommend a company to set up and manage my website on Linode? I need ongoing website and database management services at a reasonable price.

Linode is meant to be entirely unmanaged, you manage everything yourself. Once it's setup, there's really not that much maintenance involved. You have to update your system (that can be automated via Cron), and occaisionally update your web site software. The only hard part is if you have some sort of blog or forum where people can post stuff, but if it's for a company, people already working in the computer department can be drafted over, or new people hired. If it's a community project, volunteers can help. If it's a personal site, you can ask some friends to help.

If you still want someone else to do it for you, I'm sure there are some webhosts that can take care of most of the "magic" for you. Linode isn't one of them. if you are willing to do it yourself (and learn if you don't know how), definitely stick with Linode, you can see exactly what's happening instead of being in the dark and potentially ripped off by what someone else is doing.


If you're looking for someone to get your Linode up and running with WordPress, let me know. I take as much complexity out of it as you want.

For example, I can make sure your WordPress plugins will work with NginX and have the necessary dependencies installed. I can help you get your registrar and Google Apps set up with your Linode.

You don't need any technical knowledge, I make switching to Linode easy.

For the record, be wary about managed VPS, some people don't exactly have stellar morals.

00:47 < Pizza401> ideally i would offer managed servers for $50+/mo and then charge per hour
00:48 < Pizza401> that's guaranteed $30 profit per machine each month
00:48 < EugeneKay> So do it
00:48 < Pizza401> plus the opportunity to get paid by the hour
00:48 < Pizza401> when shit goes wrong
00:48 < Pizza401> and i could "make" shit go wrong when i need the money


For the record, be wary about managed VPS, some people don't exactly have stellar morals.

00:47 < Pizza401> ideally i would offer managed servers for $50+/mo and then charge per hour
00:48 < Pizza401> that's guaranteed $30 profit per machine each month
00:48 < EugeneKay> So do it
00:48 < Pizza401> plus the opportunity to get paid by the hour
00:48 < Pizza401> when s*** goes wrong
00:48 < Pizza401> and i could "make" s*** go wrong when i need the money

I see what you mean

> 15:11 < Pizza401> i hate indians

15:11 < Pizza401> indian food is okay, everything else about india sucks

15:12 < Pizza401> the accents, especially

15:12 < Pizza401> holy fuck listening to an indian accent makes me want to stab children


For the record, be wary about managed VPS, some people don't exactly have stellar morals.

00:47 < Pizza401> ideally i would offer managed servers for $50+/mo and then charge per hour
00:48 < Pizza401> that's guaranteed $30 profit per machine each month
00:48 < EugeneKay> So do it
00:48 < Pizza401> plus the opportunity to get paid by the hour
00:48 < Pizza401> when s*** goes wrong
00:48 < Pizza401> and i could "make" s*** go wrong when i need the money

While this is deplorable, I can assure you most managed providers are not like you describe.


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