Cherokee Debian and linode dns


I am using linode's dns service and I have a cherokee installed debian 6.

My problem is when I type into browser "" it works and serves the related web pages but,

when I type, the server shows the root folder's web pages.

What am I missing? I can't figure it out.

If someone has the answer, I can really use help on this.

Thanks in advance.

6 Replies

Without the actual domain names - how are we supposed to help you troubleshoot your problem?

Sure we could make wild guesses about your DNS setup, or your virtual host setup, or what color socks you were wearing when you configured your VPS - but why? It's not like your domain name is top secret information.

You probably haven't set the domain in the virtual host (see … rvers.html">

And I'm guessing the socks are pink with yellow polka dots

A common issue I see alot of is with legacy systems where it only reads "www" as a subdomain, my suggestion is to add two records for your linode ip address, one for;

Another for;

With the A record of your linode. Depending on the TTL you setup, you'll probably have to wait anywhere from 1 to 8 hours for the A record to update.


A common issue I see alot of is with legacy systems where it only reads "www" as a subdomain, my suggestion is to add two records for your linode ip address, one for;

Another for;

With the A record of your linode. Depending on the TTL you setup, you'll probably have to wait anywhere from 1 to 8 hours for the A record to update.

Nope. This problem has absolutely nothing to do with DNS. It's a webserver config issue. If it was a DNS thing, you would get some kind of DNS error, not "the root folder's web pages" as was stated.


Sure we could make wild guesses about your DNS setup, or your virtual host setup, or what color socks you were wearing when you configured your VPS

Technically speaking it doesn't matter what color socks they're wearing, it only matters what color socks they're washing. Looks like your MCSE certificate is getting a little bit out of date (cough, cough) - I learned about this during my recent Microsoft certifications, you might need a refresher.



A common issue I see alot of is with legacy systems where it only reads "www" as a subdomain

Perhaps that's because "www" is only a subdomain.


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