
I'm such a newbie I can't even ssh into my box.

I use putty and enter my ip. it asks for a login. I give my linode username. it says it sent it and asks for a password. This is where the cursor freezes and i can't type anymore. If I press enter it says access is denied.

what do I do….


6 Replies

It is by design that the password prompt doesn't move. Just type in your password and hit

that's what i thought. But when I type my password and hit enter it says 'access denied'

thanks though.

What are you putting in as your username?

The same username and password as when I sign into my members section on the linode website.

The username you should be using for your ssh is 'root'. Try that.

yer the keenest….. I wish i wasn't so green that seems like a pretty lame question now.



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