Old discussion forum gone?

Is the old discussion forum with all of its threads gone?

4 Replies

Our old community forum is still available, for now:


Over the next few weeks, we'll be working to migrate all 15 years' worth of posts to this new Community. You'll be able to claim your old forum user and posts if you'd like them.

Good deal. The Linode staff thinks of everything.

Thank you, v/r Jeff

We try! Hope you enjoy the new Community site, Jeff.

forum.linode.com redirects to the new community page now.

Have you all heard of Discourse? It is really great forums software that all the modern projects are using now. Here's Manjaro's, for example: http://discourse.manjaro.org.

It is easy to manage. https://www.discourse.org

Just wanted to throw that out there, in case it may inspire new forums.


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