Best distro for Rails deployment

What are your experiences?

I am planning to roll out a Rails 3 (.1) (postgres, mongod, passenger, nginx) app on a Linode 512 - what distribution should I specify? I know my ways around in ubuntu, but have never had problems with other installs either…

Thanks a bunch for sharing!


3 Replies

Any with ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.2. Ubuntu 10.04 has 1.8.7 so I'd go with that, it's LTS so has support until 2015.

I liked using Ubuntu 10.10 LTS.

I built mine up before I knew about stackscripts, but I did pretty much the exact same as: … iptID=2438">

It works beautifully now.


I liked using Ubuntu 10.10 LTS.

I built mine up before I knew about stackscripts, but I did pretty much the exact same as: … iptID=2438">

It works beautifully now.

FYI, 10.10 is not an LTS release.


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