What's the point of the "extras"?

… if it costs the same to add 400GB of bandwidth to a 512MB Linode (so that you have 600GB of bandwidth) as it does to just upgrade to a 1536MB Linode with 600GB of bandwidth included (plus more hard disk space)? Not even a dollar less :/

I was hoping to just add bandwidth to my Linode, since I have no need for so much RAM, but it seems I may as well just upgrade and take RAM I don't need :?

3 Replies

The reason you'd want to use Extras is if you need a quick fix and can't afford the downtime to be relocated to a server that hosts different plans. Upgrading/downgrading requires your server to be moved to a different host, but extras just require a reboot.


The reason you'd want to use Extras is if you need a quick fix and can't afford the downtime to be relocated to a server that hosts different plans. Upgrading/downgrading requires your server to be moved to a different host, but extras just require a reboot. Okay thanks for the quick response.

Does upgrading change your IP address?


Does upgrading change your IP address?
Not as long as you stay in the same data center.


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