Confusion over DNS


I currently have a vps and domain hosted by 1and1, which I am in the process of cancelling and moving over to linode. However, I am slightly confused as to what to do with the domain names and would like some conformation as to whether I am doing the right thing.

I have to move my domains to a domain host.

Configure the domain from the new host to point to the Linode DNS manager.

Follow the Linode DNS manager guide.

Is that correct?

My next question is who to use for hosting domains (I have .com,, .co and .net)?

Finally I had a look at ZoneEdit, are they a domain host or are they providing the same service as the Linode DNS manager?

Any help would be appreciated

3 Replies

the term you are looking for is delegate, you want to delegate your domains to linode dns servers, you do that at your registrar (the place you bought the domains from, 1and1 I guess, I'm not familiar with them). then you can use the linode web based dns manager to manage them.

You can leave your domains at 1and1, or transfer them to another registrar like or

I think zoneedit is the same as linodes dns manager.

Thank you for the response.

I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track before doing anything. :)

I've done a little work with 1&1 so I'll add a little clarification here (for you or anyone else who happens on this):

1&1 is acting as the registrar for the domain names themselves (,, etc.), as well as currently your hosting/VPS provider.

So to transfer the hosting itself to Linode the basic process would be:

1. Get everything setup on your Linode - sites setup and working, configure the Linode DNS manager for everything, etc.

2. In the 1&1 manager change the DNS server settings for the domains to point to the Linode DNS servers instead of the 1&1 DNS servers.

3. Once the DNS server change propagates and everything is working properly, you would cancel the VPS/Hosting packages on 1&1, but not the domain registrations themselves.

Obviously the domain registrations could be moved elsewhere if you desired, but that's a different topic.


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