— pending activation —


6 hours ago I signing up at Linode, but status is still "pending activation".

Is that normal process?


2 Replies

@Hi World:


6 hours ago I signing up at Linode, but status is still "pending activation".

Is that normal process?


Most sign-ups are activated instantly, some are flagged as high risk by our fraud detection system and are sent e-mails requesting images of the credit card used and a valid photo ID card are uploaded to ensure the credit card was not used fraudulently.

You should have this e-mail in your inbox already. If you have any questions regarding the process please e-mail: service@linode.com. Please make sure you include the username you signed up with in the e-mail.



@Hi World:


6 hours ago I signing up at Linode, but status is still "pending activation".

Is that normal process?


Most sign-ups are activated instantly, some are flagged as high risk by our fraud detection system and are sent e-mails requesting images of the credit card used and a valid photo ID card are uploaded to ensure the credit card was not used fraudulently.

You should have this e-mail in your inbox already. If you have any questions regarding the process please e-mail: service@linode.com. Please make sure you include the username you signed up with in the e-mail.

Thanks Tim,

There is no email that requesting images…

I will send an email to ervice@linode.com.


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