dns servers....

When I log into my linode and check the network settings it has a section for dns name servers….. If I point domains to those at the registry, do they resolve to my space? or do I have to get my own name server going?


4 Replies

Nope, that won't work. Those are just for your Linode to resolve DNS questions.

My recommendation is either use your registrar's "managed" DNS service (A and MX records), or signup for a free 5-domain DNS hosting account at zoneedit.com.

Of course, you can always run your own DNS Servers.


Another IRC user pointed me to this useful service as well: http://www.everydns.net (for free DNS). "Free" = "donation ware". :lol:

I've been using zoneedit.com for my DNS for well over a year now, and I absolutely love it. I'm hosting 5 domains at the moment, the most you can host for free, and I've never had a problem. I've never seen there servers be unavailable and everything resolves quickly. A pleasure to work with. The interface is a little hokey, but that's fine with me. It's still very useable.

Just a suggestion: no matter where you host your DNS, when you give them a contact e-mail address, give them one that's not under one of the domains you're hosting with them. It will save a lot of headaches if you ever screw up your DNS and need to contact them. There are tons of free e-mail places, so there are no excuses.


I vote for www.zoneedit.com as well.

I gives you domains, subdomains & POP email, all for free. :lol:


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