Why Linode do not disply CPU?

Why Linode do not display CPU on description of plans?

Their is a missing row: CPU


CPU = ????





14 Replies

http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#how-do-i- … are-of-cpu">http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#how-do-i-get-my-fair-share-of-cpu

Because it's not a selling point for quality hosts. It is for low-end crummy hosts though.


Special coupons for Dreamhost worth $500 (5x$100 each). Use 814993751329, 741079612771, 870374313941, 849691338517 and 820917697095 as promo codes, visit my blog for details.
Mmmmmm. Spam.

![](http://www.abristolgeek.co.uk/wp-conten … tySpam.png">http://www.abristolgeek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/MontySpam.png" />

Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!


Well, there's spam, Dreamhost, sausage and spam, that's not got much spam in it.

(edit: no more spams, so no more clams)

Sorry Dear, I have removed the coupons from my signature. But What about adding Linode referral code.

It (coupons in sign) really doesn't matter to me. Two of my favorite blogs amitbhawani.com and shoutmeloud.com is hosted on Linode. This is why I taking too much interest in Linode. I am currently hosted on dreamhost with little traffic. I am getting frequent 500 error from them. its only 5 month with DH. They are suggesting to upgrade to VPS. But definitely Linode is better in therms of Price tags and resources (till my best knol.), But really feared about unavailability of Chat Support (1to1 not IRC. like Dreamhost, Hostgator, Rackspace, ….).

I am preparing myself for linode, Since I believe that Linode is for professionals. I learning from linode using the forum and tutorials. You may check my history. I am not spamming.

Now, come to the point!

On http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#how-do-i- … are-of-cpu">http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#how-do-i-get-my-fair-share-of-cpu I have seen that I may use 1/40 of CPU (minimum) at any time if choose Linode 512.

What will be it in something like MHz, just for comparing with others. I have read somewhere that Well optimized Shared hosting is better than low resources VPS.

How much traffic can be handled by Linode 512. With Ubuntu+LAMP?

Need help, I want to learn Linode and Don't say me STAY AWAY FROM LINODE. I will buy my linode in near future

I am not a forum Spammer!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

You'll get exactly 27.3 Oragutans worth of CPU…

Which is to say… that's a completely useless question… In the absolutely worst case scenario, you'll get somewhere around 1/40th of one core's worth of time. There's no way to convert that to some equivalent number of hertz…

In reality, according to Linode staff, the host systems are almost always very close to idle when it comes to CPU usage, which means you can use (more or less), 4 full cores of a modern Xeon processor.

The short answer is: Linode routinely wipes the floor with their competition in terms of CPU benchmarks.

Each host has two Xeons, clocked at between 2 and 2.5 GHz (depending on the age of the host), for a total of eight cores. Each Linode has access to four of those cores. On a 512, you get 1/20 of each of those cores as a minimum. If the other Linodes on your host are idle, you can burst to 100% of four cores.


… I have removed the coupons from my signature.


But What about adding Linode referral code.
If you like – but you're pretty much preaching to the converted on this forum.


But really feared about unavailability of Chat Support (1to1 not IRC. like Dreamhost, Hostgator, Rackspace, ….).
This forum and #linode on IRC are all you need. Linode staff – even the founder -- are usually on IRC so you get to ask the experts, plus you get help from people who are using Linodes for serious applications. You will get better support there than from a regular support tech.


I am preparing myself for linode, Since I believe that Linode is for professionals. I learning from linode using the forum and tutorials. You may check my history. I am not spamming.
Putting promo codes for Linode's competitiors in your sig was a little tacky.


On http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#how-do-i- … are-of-cpu">http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#how-do-i-get-my-fair-share-of-cpu I have seen that I may use 1/40 of CPU (minimum) at any time if choose Linode 512.

What will be it in something like MHz, just for comparing with others. I have read somewhere that Well optimized Shared hosting is better than low resources VPS.
See my previous post. MHz is a useless comparison – would you like a really fast Celeron or a quad-core Xeon running more slowly?


How much traffic can be handled by Linode 512. With Ubuntu+LAMP?
The answer to this depends on the nature of your site. How much of the content is static? Is some of the content database intensive? How much PHP? Is the code efficient / well written / optimised? Will you be able to use caching?


Each host has two Xeons, clocked at between 2 and 2.5 GHz (depending on the age of the host), for a total of eight cores. Each Linode has access to four of those cores. On a 512, you get 1/20 of each of those cores as a minimum. If the other Linodes on your host are idle, you can burst to 100% of four cores.

At least eight cores. There's a decent chance that newer boxes have more cores (and probably also more Linodes) than older boxes, although each individual Linode still only gets four virtual cores.

And yeah, for most situations these days, CPU is not a limiting factor. Disk and network I/O are. I'm quite pleased with Linode's performance on both fronts (hdparm -t on one of my instances shows 95.52 MB/sec for buffered disk reads; on my workstation, with I get 104.90 MB/sec), but you will feel the limitations of disk I/O before you feel the limitations of CPU :-)

It is also possible to monitor how much CPU you aren't getting ("steal"); over the past year, across all of my Linodes, I've peaked at 19% once. Average is about half a percent. These are out of 400% (each core = 100%).

As for how many pages you can squirt out of a Linode per unit time… well, it depends. Probably thousands of static "hello world" text files per second, with objects/second decreasing as complexity (and, therefore, rendering time) increases.

Thanks @pclissold For your detailed reply!

Actually, I am a small blogger and really hates spam. I have no intention to making spam here or anywhere. I am also active in StudioPress forum and added such signature. I have never get any warning their, this is why I putted such signature. Well I have also created a thread their for the clarification if the signature is allowed their but never get any warning their. One of the forum administrator their told me that she will ask about this from her boss. You may see here http://www.studiopress.com/support/show … hp?t=59508">http://www.studiopress.com/support/showthread.php?t=59508

Well DreamHost is not competitor their this is why they may have less interest their.

Well, This is also some type of foolish signature because you can easily understand how many people will switch to DH from Linode. I am a small blogger with big dream, this is why I have added such signature (foolish).

I think its enough to justify my signature!! I have removed the signature and hope you will not have any problem with me.. :?: One more thing I have enjoyed the youtube video, thanks for the link.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

> You will get better support there than from a regular support tech.
Thanks for the the reply

> MHz is a useless comparison – would you like a really fast Celeron or a quad-core Xeon running more slowly?
I really don't know much about the server configurations. I think their may not be comparison between Celeron and a quad-core processor.

thanks @hoopycat

It seems that CPU is not the thing I should worry!!

Now, The thing I should worry is RAM, Server optimisation, Security??

Since the disk and data-transfer with Linode 512 is 10x and 25x (respectively) than my current traffic on DreamHost. So, I should not worry about Disk Space and Data-Transfer.

Is their any fail-safe way to keep my blog active(live) if I crashed my linode. I think their is some way that can boost my blog up if I do something foolish. (I have read something on this forum: "You may add some extra 9")

A low-quality host will advertise a fixed amount of CPU power, and judiciously restrict you to that.

A high-quality host will not advertise any CPU, and simply make sure that customers have enough that it's not a problem.


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