A Record With 4 IPs?


I am trying to get Google Apps set up on a new domain. It wants me to set up an A record for my domain, but it gave me 4 IPs to set as the A record. How do I do this? Do I create a separate A record for each IP or is there a way to put all 4 IPs in a single record?

Here are the instructions:

~~![](<URL url=)http://i.imgur.com/mMldB.png" />


3 Replies

Create four separate A records.

Like funkytastic says, use 4 A records. DNS will round-robin between them.

You might want to read the DNS and BIND book by O'Reilly. DNS is critical to most network services so you should know it well.

Thanks! I thought that was what I needed to do, but the way Google worded the instructions was a bit confusing.


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