Linode's backup system, download specific files

Hi, if I need to download specifics files in a certain backup snapshot, what's the best way to do it?

6 Replies

Quickest and least disruptive way is to create a new linode, restore onto it, boot it with finnix (Rescue tab), get what you want, then delete the new linode.

Oh I see, but do I have to pay for 1 full month of hosting?

You'll pay for the month up front (pro-rated, so not quite a full month at this point), then once you delete the node, a pro-rated refund will be credited to your account. Pro-rating is done by the day, so, when all's said and done, you'll pay for 1 day's worth (assuming you only have the new node up for 1 day).

I was informed last week that if you have room on your Linode you can restore the image to your existing linode, mount the image(s) needed (requires restarting your Linode after making the appropriate configuration changes), and obtain files that way.

One caveat I have learned since then is that if the backup runs again it will back up all the images including the restore images, so either turn the backup off if you need the restored images for more than a short while, or delete them right after you are done with them.

I didn't end up having to do this as I was able to recover what I needed elsewhere, but thanks again to David for all his help on this.

Thanks for your replies,

Everything is fine if I only pay for 1 day of linode :) I can afford 1$ :P

but still a download option would be nice…

Thanks all!

You can copy your backup as described here- … e-over-ssh">

That's about as close to downloading as you're gonna get


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