Backup Questions


I currently have 2 backup methods in place on my 2 servers.

* Backup my web content (/srv) using s3sync to Amazon S3 weekly (This includes sqldump before sync starts)
* I am signed up to linodes backup service on both services for fast restoration in event of failure

I wish to create a 3rd backup which would sync all folders on the server so in event of the complete outage of Linodes services, I could restore elsewhere or to another data centre.

My questions are:

* Which folders should I backup. All/Some?
* To restore, would I just install a default copy of Ubuntu 10.04 in Linode or other system, then overwrite the folders from my back up the server and it would work exactly the same as before?


1 Reply

It sort of depends on where you have useful information stored and what you're running. You might want to look at the following.

/etc: configuration files

/home: user files

/var/spool/mail: stored mail

/var/spool/{cron,at}: user crontabs and at jobs

other stuff in /var/spool/: other application state files

/var/lib/mysql: MySQL databases (probably not needed if you're doing dumps)

other stuff in /var/lib/: other application state files

/srv or /var/www: web files

Start by enumerating what all services you run, then track down where they keep their data.


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