ssh kicks me off


I just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04, and now whenever I ssh in from where ever I happen to be, it logs me in, and then immediately kicks me off. The only way I can get into my server now is with the linode shell. I know it logs me in, but it doesn't let me stay logged in. I am also getting this error: error: PAM: pamopensession(): Module is unknown

Any help is appreciated.



6 Replies


Anyone have any ideas? – I'm stuck using lish until I can get this resolved.



Does this help? … is+unknown"> … tion/33707">


That wasn't quite it, as I'm not getting those same errors. I'm simply getting the module is unknown, which googling produces almost nothing. (and yes, I've googled a bunch.)

Any help is appreciated.




I just remembered something. When I was upgrading, I accidentally didn't say install the package maintainer's version of /etc/security/something.conf, perhaps this could have something to do with it? If so, how do I get that file back to the default?




I'm still really confused about how I can fix this, and googling is no help.

Anyone know?



Do you happen to be doing anything with LDAP? … inistrivia">

I can only think that you have something trying to use PAM and the upgrade either didn't upgrade PAM or removed PAM. I can only suggest grepping through /etc to see where anything PAM might be getting called from.

Most likely /etc/ssh/sshd_config


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