upgrading nginx on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid

I want to update nginx on my server. the current version is nginx/0.7.65 and I installed nginx using the default package manger

apt-get install nginx php5-cli php5-cgi spawn-fcgi

however when I do

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade –show-upgraded

still I do not get an updated version. I read nginx released it stable v1 however not sure why i am not getting it.

Also anything I need to be aware of when upgrading from 0.7 to v1 ?

thanks in advance

6 Replies

just because it's out doesn't mean there is a package for it yet.

Ubuntu only upgrades major versions between releases i.e. 10.04 has an older version than 11.04 etc etc.

You can install nginx 1.0 from the ppa here https://launchpad.net/~nginx

However unless you really need the new features there's no need to.

See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for Ubuntu's policy on this; in short, it's what you get for having a stable, supported OS.

I'd go with that launchpad ppa. All it takes is a:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable

and you'll be able to update.

If you stick with the 0.7.x branch you can't really be sure that you'll be getting security and bug fixes.

I haven't seen any configuration changes that would break your current config.


If you stick with the 0.7.x branch you can't really be sure that you'll be getting security and bug fixes.

If you stay with the stock Ubuntu package, you'll get security fixes, and major bug fixes. There is some amount of difference between nginx 0.7.65 and nginx 0.7.65-1ubuntu2 (see also launchpad).

So, it's not a security/bugfix question, really… more of a trading-support-for-features thing.

That's the policy but I wouldn't count on it.

nginx is an awesome piece of software, but it's still almost a one man project, without a public bug tracker, without the kind of infrastructure of other projects with a similar user base.

Igor has declared 1.0.0 stable and probably won't backport bug or security patches to the 0.7 or 0.8 branch, so you'd be counting on the nginx community and/or debian or ubuntu maintainers.

The old server wisdom is that you stick with old, stable versions and backport any bug/security patches from new versions. But some projects, including nginx, don't really lend themselves to that model.

You don't have to stay on the bleeding edge of the development svn, but I'd recommend sticking with what the project maintains as the stable branch.

That's my opinion, anyways. :)


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