apache2 -- how to tell who's been accessing what site most


I just looked at my linode dashboard today, and to my surprise I had used about half of my available transfer. This was surprising to me, because usually I don't go over 10 gb per month or so. I was guessing that some bot or something else was accessing one or more of my sites alot, and causing my transfer to go through the roof. This would also coralate why I keep getting disk io rate emails, as apache2 would be writing to the access.log alot. So here is my question. Is there an easy way to look through access.log and see what ip/domain has been accessing apache2 most, and also what site they were accessing?



2 Replies



Is there an easy way to look through access.log and see what ip/domain has been accessing apache2 most, and also what site they were accessing?

I'm sure there is a way to tabulate the access.log, but in the future you might want to install Google Analytics, which is free and provides a wealth of info on visitors.

Try http://www.webalizer.org/


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